Welcome to the
website of the Mega Man 2 Team, the Wilys Warriors!
if you're new to this kind of
internet community, why not check out the Introduction
section of the website. Hope you enjoy your stay! |
 | Updated - 6/27/10 Podcast Episode 2 Online! | Well June's winding down and not much has happen on the Warriors' front. Until today, that is! The second episode of my podcast has been editted and uploaded to the website. No button yet for the section, so look for the link the the previous newspost. And FYI, next month will be marking the 4th Anniversary of the Warriors revival. And we just might have something in store for you guys. Stay tuned; we love all of yah. -Flashman | Updated - 4/07/10 Brand New Section: Flashman's Podcast Show | And hey, look, I'm updating again! And it is a special update indeed. Today, I officially reveal something that I hope all the fans of not just the Warriors, but many other Megaman Teams, will enjoy. This little something is a recorded podcast, created by me, hosted by me, and starring whomever I can find to join my Skype conversations. The first episode was original done on April Fools Day (ironic that is wasn't an actual prank; I suck at humor anyway) and was, in my opinion, a great success. Great enough, in fact, that I'm going to try to have more of them fairly soon. So enough of me explaining things. Why not come on in and enjoy yourselves? We will have a sidebar button for the section as soon as we can. For now, visit the new section with the link above. Send comments about the show toward our team forum. We welcome praises, suggestions, constructive criticism, virgin sacrifices- uh, disregard the last one, please. -Flashman |
Updated - 3/13/10 Update Special
Wow. It's been a bit of a while since we last updated, haven't we? Though, it's definitely better than the previous haitus. But anyways, the team scene has gotten a lot of motivation recently, so with that we finally have a new epilogue up made by our resident Pokelo-*gets hit in the head*, ow. Er, I mean... We finally have a new epilogue up made by our favorite time-stopping robot master, Flash Man! Check it out!
Updated - 10/31/09 Happy Halloween!
Our new epilogue today is a
Halloween special! In fact... It was an epilogue we've planned last
year but never made it on time. :|
Updated - 9/23/09 New epilouge
The next epilogue "All Beef
and No Brains" by Darksage (Co-written by me) is released! Enjoy!
Also, a minor update but I've noticed a few images were missing so I've
reuploaded them. Hopefully that's the last of that.
Updated - 9/06/09 We're finally
back! |
We're finally back! The
big reason why we had such a drought in updates was because we had
problems updating our site on sitesled. Every time we do something, the
pages goes blank for whatever reason. We finally got a new host
(*points at the previous update*) and things are finally okay again! To
start off with our first real update this year after the long
drought... we
will include 2 epilogues! Be sure to check them out!
Oh, by the way, in case you haven't noticed,
the site's layout got a slight change. "Old News" and "Chatroom" are
gone since they were useless. And the size of the site's layout got
wider since no one (or at least almost no one) uses 800 x 600 display
resolution anymore. The banner also got an update to fit with the new
layout size. However, the Bios page (aside from the main bio page)
haven't gotten the layout size change yet. I will work on that during
the next update. So for now, enjoy the new epilogues!
Updated - 8/12/09 Site
This is
a message left by the new web host of Wily's Warriors. The site move
should be complete, and I think I got some of the errors encountered
with the index page fixed already. This will most likely be my only
news post. Enjoy the site,
-holenet.info Management
Updated - 10/7/08
update... get it?
Hey there, folks! Your old pal
Quick Man here with another sorely-needed update. Heatman has finished
yet another fantastic epilogue, The Exorcism of Naoshi,
which makes it the 14 episode of this particular season.
Someday I'm going to finish one of my various half-done
epilogues, honest! But while you're waiting for that (and for the polar
caps to melt), why not check out the fabulous tale of ghosts, robots,
and former pop singers Ben whipped up for you?
Stuff I have to say or we get sued...
Mega Man 2, Mega Man and all robot masters are
property of Capcom Entertainment, all Manga drawings were the tireless
work of Hitoshi Ariga and cannot be taken without permission
(HYPOCRITE!). Anything else? We'll save for the courts.