Powers/Abilities |
WoodMan fires rocket powered, razor-like leaves in
groups of four. The leaves can shred their way through most metals, but
they have also been known to be used for more everyday reasons, such as
a can opener. WoodMan also likes to use his dense body as a weapon,
rolling down a hill into oncoming opponents, for example. It is also
rumored that Wily installed a solar-powered laser attack into WoodMan,
although even WoodMan himself doesn't know for sure.
Media Junkie |
WoodMan likes at least one TV show/movie from
nearly every type of genre(save soap operas), which gives him an
extensive memory of quotes. Being a major Criminal Intent fan, WoodMan
has arguments with Starnik(QuickMan) on a nearly regular basis over
which Law & Order series is better.
History |
Now reprogrammed with a new personality since losing
an anti-climactic legal battle against Wily, WoodMan is an easily
confused guy cursed with being highly flammable.
Why Me!? |
The stain polish on WoodMan's left arm is slightly
shinier than his right arm's. This is because he lost his
original left arm due to a freak Christmas incident one year when he
was mistaken for a yule log, and was tossed into the fire, which
resulted in the loss of his left arm. It was later found out that
Ben(HeatMan) knew the "yule log" was WoodMan the whole time, Ben just
decided to keep his mouth shut.
Biography |
easily noticed traits are his sarcasm and his rather emotionless
reactions to things that are serious to others but have no concern to
him, unless that person has a long history with him. He can't stand it
when people speak with him too vaguely, which is why he's easily
flustered when given an assignment without specific instruction.
WoodMan tries to be a nice guy, but he sometimes unknowingly offends
people when he speaks his mind. Due to his nature, WoodMan avoids all
usage of any expletives bigger than "freaking" or "crap."
"I love dogs,
but not what they do to me."
Stuff I have to say or we get sued...
Mega Man 2, Mega Man and all robot masters are
property of Capcom Entertainment, all Manga drawings were the tireless
work of Hitoshi Ariga and cannot be taken without permission
(HYPOCRITE!). Anything else? We'll save for the courts.