Powers/Abilities |
Bubbleman is able to produce water bubbles from a
water system inside of him. The bubbles can soak an average human being
up to their waist, so an amount of them would likely make an average
robot cease to be "turned on".
Bubbleman is sneaky like Indiana Jones, so he likes to hide in the
shadows nearby and jump out with buckets full of bubbles to shock the
"Washed Up" or Rocker? |
Bubbleman has an enjoyment
for music, as well for attempting to play the guitar on his own. He
likes to perform, or attempt to for mostly anyone, anybody, anything.
That's if anyone listens or is willing to stay. Most of his wild, hair
brained music ideas and references come from 80's metal bands. One
being music form the original Transformers movie. Apart for his "fame"
he thinks he has, he tends to be wishy-washy as well. Bubbz also keeps
to himself alot, unless he is spoken to, bribed or seems something he
desires. "Petting" him also makes him a happy robot. How one plays
under water is another mystery that will remain unsolved.
History |
was basically "discovered" or so it seems by another team member.
Offering him the vacant spot. However, Bubbleman likes to spout random
words out of no place such as "rawr", "Puku" and "Jabajaba". Apart from
the random words, he can be pretty much cocky, sly and snide. He also
has a creative mind in the art and writing department and seems to act
like a word of reason on other places when people bicker like children.
Otherwise, he is just an odd ball. Maybe that also comes from some of
his "mafia boss" type attitude from the place he originated from.
All Mine! |
has a wide collection of Imported Manga, clean Doujins and art books.
Mostly from Rockman, Disgaea, Gon, Wild ARMs and Phantom
Brave. It started out as a owning one Disgaea doujin in 2004,
which grew into a large collection by the year 2007. He also has a
large collection of PS2 games, which 3/4ths in the collection he plays. He
also has a habit of naming his consoles and handheld systems and is
mainly seen with "Stan" the GBA SP and the decaled DS lite. He also has
a deep love for stuff from the Wild West. Which is something he isn't
willing to share. He hardly shares his collection hoard anyway. If
anyone comes near, he gets protective. So hiding his stash makes it
better. The bad side, he tends to forget where he hides some of his
hoard. He lost a DVD set of Transformers recently.
Biography |
Bubbleman is a smartass in many ways, but can also be
a bit of the words of wisdom if needed. Giving him a task which he
likes, he will get it done faster, then a task he dislikes, which
results in plotting against the giver. He has a dislike for children,
basically bratty human kids who constantly cry over the smallest of
things. He also has a major fear of deep water, which was something
that happened to him years ago. Another thing he don't want to speak
about. Due to his night jobs in the real word, he gets lack of sleep,
which causes him to be goofy and a doofus towards dusk. He also likes
to study space and the stars, which always has been an interesting
subject for the Bubbz. He also thinks he's Indiana Jones or some
type of pet. Whatever is suited or whatever, but explains why he also likes to receive "pettings" almost like an
animal. Most do seem to treat him like a pet at times.
On a
side note, he is someone who can almost quote the 80's Transformers
movie by heart.
Stuff I have to say or we get sued...
Mega Man 2, Mega Man and all robot masters are
property of Capcom Entertainment, all Manga drawings were the tireless
work of Hitoshi Ariga and cannot be taken without permission
(HYPOCRITE!). Anything else? We'll save for the courts.