Wily's Warriors - Season 2 - Versus the Sinister Six
by Ben
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Narrator: It is late at night in the
long, dank corridors of Skull Castle as Bass walks into Dr. Wily's Lab.
Bass: Okay Doc it's
time for your *shudder* sponge bath.
Wily: Vait! I'm am almost
finished my newest invention!
Bass: If it's that
watch that turns beavers into gold, THAT'S BEEN INVENTED ALREADY YOU
Wily: No eet's even a
vorse veapon look!
*Wily reveal what looks to be a super soaker with metal plates and LEDs
Wily: Behold! The
Mime-O-Ray! Vant a demonstration?
Bass: No, I want to
get this sponge bath over with so I can beat that blue bumbler.
Wily: Tough. *Pulls back a
certain to reveal a certain loser tied to a post*
Clay: *Sniff* You said you
loved me!
Wily: Vah, vah I say a lot
of things Mr. Aiken. Behold my awesome power! *Fires the Mime-o-Ray at
Clay Aiken*
*The violet beam restructures loser molecule by molecule, so that he
resembles a mime complete with make-up, striped shirt and pink leotard.*
Clay: ... *Tries to do a few
gestures but can't due to be bound*
Wily: It vorks! It vorks!
Bass: You old fool,
it's just another useless invention of yours.
Wily: On the contrary you
fin-headed moron! Eet vill make people docile like a flock of sheep and
they vill accept me as their ruler...
Mysterious Figure: That's why you're coming with us doctor.
Wily: *Twists around* You?!
Mysterious Figure 2: Yes us, grab him.
Wily: Bass! Protect me you
Bass: *Sigh* Alright
weaklings, I'll make this.. *Steps forword, but the first figure
figures a viscious liquid that slips up Bass* CLANK!
Mysterious Figure 2: *Fires a lick of flame that ignites the slick*
Wily: *Backs away* No,
stay back...
Mysterious Figure 1: *Fires a coal-black, sticky oozes that binds Wily*
*The next morning in the living room, already full of activity. Like
Ben plotting to conquer Asia Minor*
Heatman: ...then after I
ransack Ankara! I shall take Constantinople!
Woodman: But I thought
it was Istanbul.
Metalman: Yeah, not
Woodman: So if you've a
date in Constantinople...?
Metalman: She'll be
waiting in Istanbul.
Heatman: SILENCE!
Quickman: *Shakes head
as he passes by* Now to get to that to that Reboot Marathon.
*He comes to the couch where Cyros and Shadowstrike are playing their
Quickman: Where's the
remote, there's 26 episodes of Reboot and they won't watch themselves.
Flashman: Wily locked
up the remotes last week after Ben tried to kill him.
Airman: Again!
Wily: Ah! Got, my popcorn,
coke and my 'Pretty in Pink' DVD. This vill be the perfect night.
*Wily presses some buttons, the TV doesn't turn on. Instead the remote
make a beeping noise*
Remote: Beep, Beep, Beep, Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
Wily: Gott.
Quickman: Dammit Ben!
Wily's liable to reprogram you if you keep that up!
Heatman: I'd like to see
him try, his little guard dog Bass is not so tough. He's still
polishing his posterior after our last brawl!
Quickman: AAAAARGH!
Flashman: Haven't seen
him all morning.
Airman: Me neither.
Rest of the Warriors: We neither.
Quickman: Great, now
how am I going to get the remote?
Cosgrove: Hey Warriors!
Quickman: Hiya
Cosgrove: Want to go to
the Star Trek Convention?
Warriors: DO WE?!
*Hours later the Warriors and Cosgrove exit the Monsteropolis
Convention Center, everyone wearing Vulcan ears and holding bootleg
copies of "The Cage" and the second pilot "Where No Man Has Gone
Bubbleman: Wow, I've
had so much fun!
Heatman: I can hardly
believe they let me beat up William Shatner! I'm not washing the blood
off these hands.
Cosgrove: Yeah, I think
I overdid it on the Klingon coffee. Anyway, word on the street is that
the Sinister Six kidnapped Wily. Better think you should check it out.
Quickman: Will do
Cosgrove, thanks!
*Cosgrove leaves in his squad car*
Flashman: Now why would
the Six want to kidnap Wily?
Heatman: Who cares? I
want to pound Fireman's head in.
Quickman: WARRIORS
Warriors: ...
Quickman: I said
Airman: Do you really think the Sinister Six would
kidnap Wily like that?
Quickman: C'mon would
Cosgrove lie to us? He took us out for Fat-Free Yougurt last Tuesday.
Crashman: ...and he
took us to "Wicked" last week.
Flashman: Guys, he
didn't say which Sinister Six. Shouldn't we investigate Wily's Lab
Quickman: If you and
'Strike want to play detective so badly, go ahead. We're going to go to
the Sinister Six's house.
Heatman: Can we beat the
answers out of them?
Quickman: Sure...
Narrator: ...and so the Warriors split up, Starnik's team takes the bus
to Sinister Six headquarters.
Heatman: Let me handle
this, this will require some diplomacy.
Quickman: Which you
were never skilled in!
Heatman: Grrrr... *Rings
the doorbell*
*The door creaks open*
Fireman: *Looks down at Ben* You!
Heatman: Yes me! I'm
gonna mess you up pretty boy!
Bubbleman: Oi vey.
Fireman: *Dropkicks Ben across the
street, slamming the door behind him* You want a piece of me?! Bring it
on Zippo! Taste my Fire Storm! *Leaps into the air, retracting his hand
and fires a wall of conflagaration*
Heatman: *Counters with
a blast of Atomic Fire* Is that the best you can do ya delusional
fruitcake?! *Overpowers Fireman and sends him flying into another
house, causing it to burst into flames*
Fireman: *Jumps from the flaming
wreckage* Fruitcake?!
Metalman: Wow that went
to heck in a hand basket PDQ.
Quickman: *Sigh* Who's
Crashman: I'll go.
*Rings the doorbell*
Bombman: *Opens the door* You!
Crashman: You!
Bombman: I gave you an apple pie to
polish my bomb collection and you didn't do it!
Crashman: That apple
pie was terrible.
Crashman: MAKE ME!
Bombman: Let's wrassle! *Tackles
Quickman: *Sighs* Who's
Narrator: And so, after fime times at trying to contact the Sinister
Six, one of them finally makes headway...
Gutsman: Hello?
Woodman: *Punches Gutsman in the jaw*
Gutsman: Ow, what'd you to that for?!
Woodman: Everyone else
did. *Points back to the WW/S6 battle that has pretty much demolished
the neighborhood with their fighting*
Gutsman: ...and the real estate company
wonders why they haven't sold a house here for five years. *groan*
*Suddenly everyone stops fighting*
Heatman: *Socks Fireman
on the head* Didn't do it!
Fireman: *Suckerpunches Ben* Neither did
Heatman: Son of a...!
Gutsman: QUIET! *Glares at Starnik* What
is this about?!
Quickman: We heard from
Cosgrove, that you kidnapped Wily. Wily has the remote and I want to
Gutsman: Well we don't have Wily, sorry
Elecman: Heck, we haven't fought him in
like... three months?
Bubbleman: Seriously?
Six: YES!
Crashman: Then who
*While the Warriors and the Six are licking their wounds, the bus
arrives, Shadowstrike and Cyros disembark*
Quickman: Great, we're
stuck at the beginning.
Airman: Not quite. We found something in Wily's lab...
*Holds out a baggie with a piece of the doctor labcoat stained with...*
Quickman: *Snatches it*
Flashman: Yeah, that
means you fought the wrong Sinister Six.
Warriors: X_X *Fall over*
Quickman: A heh, no
hard feelings right Gutsie?
Gutsman: Actually you wouldn't believe
how often this happens...
Iceman: *Looks to Fireman* Remember that
scrap we had with the Ascendant Androids?
Fireman: Don't remind me. My butt still
hurts from that one.
Metalman: So where can
we find this other Sinister Six?
Gutsman: You'll find them at...
Narrator: ...and so our intepid heroes find their way to the
Mosteropolis Dump.
Quickman: God these
Sinister Phonies, must've lost their sense of smell!
Woodman: It's times like
these I'm glad I don't have a nose.
Crashman: Oh you lucky
bastards. Where are we going to find these garbage-munching creep? This
is the biggest landfill in country they could...
Woodman: Actually, the
Monsteropolis Landfill is the biggest dump on the planet.
Crashman: Thanks for
that bit of useless info brainiac!
Heatman: You guys! Can
it! Those sinister fakes are in that shack over there *Points with his
Quickman: Ooooh, did
you use your super powers of deduction?
Heatman: No, I just read
the sign jackass. *Moves aside to reveal the sign*
Sign: Sinistur Six SEcrEt HQ up AheAd, NO SOLICITORS!
Warriors: ...
Flashman: They aren't
that bright... aren't they.
*The warriors approach the shack, Quickman knocks on the door*
Sharkman: Who is it?
Quickman: *Worst
feminine voice* Avon lady!
Sharkman: *Swings the door open* So you
have some moisterizer... HEY! You're the...! *Gets blown away by
'Strikes Air Shooter*
Warriors! I should've known you lapdogs would've come for your master!
I knew they would but you didn't listen to me.
Shut up you big baby.
Waveman: *sniff* I'm not a baby.
Quickman: These guys
make us look functional... -_- Okay, Torchman give us back Wily go or this'll get ugly.
Torchman: Is that the best you can do? We have the
ultimate power at our disposal, with Wily's Mime-O-Ray we'll turn those
phonies in the Sinister Six and the Mechanical Maniacs and people well
finally respect us and threat us as the...
Metalman: Uh Torch?
Torchman: Yes?
Metalman: You're
starting to monolgue.
Torchman: I am? Oh
sorry, behold my genius!
Oilman: Your genius?! It was my idea to steal they
Mime-O-Ray! It was me who reprogrammed it to bounce of the satellite
Torchman: But it
couldn't had been done without my VISION!
Oilman: Yeah, right... you can't even brush your own
Torchman: Behold! Our first victim!
*A light shines on a gagged Dr. Wily while a ceiling it aimed at him*
Wily: You miserable
rejects! I'll see that you are dismantled for this!
Torchman: Blademan! Activate the Mime-O-Ray!
Blademan: Sure thing boss! *Walks into the wall* THUD!
Torchman: *Sigh* Oilman?
Oilman: My pleasure.
Wily: You hear me! You're
scrap metal... YOU'RE DEA....
*The Mime-O-Ray's beam hits Wily and he's transformed into a mime...*
Wily: ...
Torchman: See Warriors?! You can no... *Notices the
Warriors are kissing his hands in gratitude*
Bubbleman: No more
Woodman: No more
Torchman: Stop that!
*Smacks them away* You know too much already, enjoy your petty
existence as mimes!
Quickman: Oh there's
one thing, I'd like to say.
Quickman: The Legion of
Super-Pets* called, they wanted to say your group was even lamer than
(*No joke, they exist... or existed who's keeping count anymore?)
Quickman: Yeah, Ambush
Bug, Matter-Eater Lad, you all make them look as cool as Spidey or Iron
You will pay for that! *Commandeers the control panel and set it to
manual and fires*
Quickman: *Dodges the beam*
Is that the best you can do? Even Rain Man can aim better than you!
*Dodges another beam*
What is he doing?
Heatman: It's all a
destraction, WARRIORS ATTACK!
*The warriors pounce on the faux-S6*
Blademan: Take this! You tin-headed fools!!!*Fires his
Blade Launcher repeatedly*
Metalman: Uh, Blademan?
Blademan: Yes?
Metalman: I'm over here.
Blademan: You are? Sorry. *Turns around only to have his
cannon-arm sawed off*
Metalman: Now give up.
Blademan: Hah! Tis nothing but a scratch!
Metalman: Scratch? Your
freakin' arm is off!
Blademan: No it isn't.
Metalman: Then what is
that?! *Points to Blade's severed arm*
Blademan: I've had worse.
Metalman: You liar!
Blademan: Come on ya
*While Naoshi and Blademan continue their infringement of Monty Python,
Ben makes a dash for Torchman and the control console. Only to be
stoped by Waveman.*
This'll be easy, I know your weakness Ben!
Heatman: Oh no!
Waveman's going to read me his crappy poetry... woe is me...
My poems are not crappy.
Heatman: I've read them
all on Deviantart. "Oh no one listens to me." "Nobody wants to be my
friend." "My live is a black hole or despair."
*Tear rolls down his chassis* Sniff! Stop it.
Heatman: What are you
going to do, cut yourself? Hell, I'll buy you the razors!
YOU BASTARD! *Runs to his 'Cry Room' sobbing*
Heatman: Too easy.
*Beelines it for control but gets slipped up by Oil Man's Oil Stream*
Torch! We're getting creamed out here! We need to call out the Auxilary!
Quickman: *Dodges*
Awwwwww... too slow, want me do go slower?
Grr! *Fires*
Quickman: *Dodges*
Changed my mind!
Oilman: *Sighs* I'll do it myself then. *Presses the big
red button*
Heatman: *Gets up and
death glares Oil* Wanna see why zippos and oil don't mix.
Oilman: Oh fudruckers...
*Meanwhile in the cellar, the three warriors from the first PC
adventure are sitting in their lair littered with three years worth of
wrappers from McDonalds, Burger King and every fast, watching reruns of
of "Who's the Boss?" on television.*
Sonicman: How long do you figure we've been sitting here?
Dynaman: It's been years
Do you think they'll ever need us?
What's that flashing red light?
Sweet Marmalade on Toast! That's the emergency light!
Yay! We're needed!
*And so... the Warriors have the fake six on the ropes with Blademan
now an immobile torso, Waveman locked in his room drowning himself in
tears and Oilman burned to a crisp.*
I'll rip you Wilys Weiners apart. *Lunges at Cyros*
Flashman: Is that the
best you can do? *Freezes Sharkman with his Time Stopper and pelts him
with a rapidfire barrage of plasma bullets, slamming him into the wall*
Even Steven Hawking put up a better fight. *Blasts Sharkman with a
hurricane force which slams him through the wall and halfway across
Flashman: That's four
down and two more to go.
Die! *Charges at Iga and Sage firing his Bit Cannon in a kamikaze
Woodman: *Blocks with
the Leaf Shield and when the attacks relent he lowers the shield.*
Crashman: Want to see
some real firepower? *All the comparments housing the weapons lauchers
open* YIPPIE KYE YAY @!#@#$@@er! *Fires a relentless barrage of
missiles and Crash Bombs that blow Bit Man apart*
Woodman: Looks like the
last of them.
Flashman: Except for
Torchman of course.
Not so fast warriors you still have to face us!
*The Warriors turn around*
Hey! They trashed the Sinister Six!
Imagine what they can to us!
*The "Sinister Six" Auxilary starts to retreat, screaming all the way.*
Bubbleman: Not so
*Bubbleman summons a tidal wave of Bubble Lead at the fleeing Auxilary,
burying tem under the heavy bubbles*
Good bye cruel world... WEEZE!
Heatman: Hhn, looks like
those upgrades I gave you did the trick.
Bubbleman: Don't you
know it.
Metalman: Let's go beat
Torchman silly!
Heatman: As much as I
hate to say it. Something tells he the loathesome idiot will get his
Woodman: That's...
restrained of you...
Heatman: No, this is
Torchman. It's more fun when his plans blow up in his face.
*Starniks starts dodging the Mime-O-Ray by dancing like an old Russian
Quickman: HEY! *dodge*
HEY! *dodge* HEY! *dodge* HEY! *dodge*
Quickman: Oh I can keep
this up all day, I don't think your machine can however...
*The Mime-O-Ray starts to overheat and smoke while the console blows a
few circuits and some sparks*
GAH! *Backs away from the flaming console*
*Starnik runs towards Torchman at superspeed and gives him a hypersonic
*Beaten like a sack of flour and with his armor dented up like a NASCAR
wreck, Torchman is left wobbling*
No mommy I want the yellow one... *Pushed over by Starnik* THUD!
Quickman: Mess with the
best and get beaten lik the rest. Loooooooooo-hoooooooser.
*The warriors untie Dr. Wily*
Quickman: Wily? Where
do you keep the remotes?
Wily: *Makes a series of
incomprehensable gestures, confusing the Warriors further.*
Quickman: Did anyone
understand that?
Crashman: Does it look
like I speak mime?
Quickman: Now how will
I watch the Reboot Marathon?!
Heatman: Easy, we get a
universal remote.
Woodman: We can get them
from Best Buy.
Quickman: Why didn't
you suggest that earlier?
Woodman: You never asked.
Narrator: ...and so with a mime-ified Dr. Wily, the Warroirs leave the
faux-Sinister Six's lair, make a stop to Best Buy, then head back to
Skull Castle to enjoy the Reboot Marathon.
TV: Reboot!
Quickman: Ah, this is
the life thirty consecutive shows of Reboot and Wily can't yell at us.
Wily: *Makes a threatening
Crashman: *Kicks Wily*
No using that language!
Bubbleman: *Notices
Ben has been eeriely quiet* What's up Ben, you're usually giddy after
you satisfied your bloodlust.
Heatman: Oh, there was
something about Fireman that bothered me...
Quickman: Fireman always
bothers you.
Heatman: Hhn, maybe it's
a faulty memory chip but was his mind copied from mine?
Bubbleman: Did you
have anything to drink last night Ben?
Heatman: About twenty
budweisers. Why?
Bubbleman: That
explains it *_*. If you recalled your earliest memories you'd know your
designs were based off of his , hence you were always deadly rivals.
Didn't help when you took his name...
Flashman: Heheheheh,
Fireman didn't like it when you did that... 'Patrick'
*Ben jumps Cyros and starts strangling him*
Heatman: I told you
once, I told you a million times. CALL ME THAT NAME AND I WILL KILL YOU!
Quickman: Hey can you
keep it down?! I'm trying to watch the TV! Seesh... *Shakes head as Ben
continues to choke Cyros*