Warriors - Season 2 - Russian Surveillanceby Shadowstrike
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Metal: *running in* HEYLO WILY!
Wily: AH, what, what do you want Naoshi, can’t you see I’m busy?
Metal: Can you build me a mech?
Wily: Why?
Metal: Well, Shadow keeps attacking me. So, can you make me a super cool super strong mech that can stop Airman……and make pie?
Wily: Why pie?
Metal: Well, duh! Who doesn’t like pie?
Wily: Well, you do have a poi- GET OUT OF HERE!
Metal: Why?
Wily: I’m busy!
Metal: Doing what?
Wily: Surveillance on Cossack. But, it seems my satellite is not working.
Metal: OH! Can I help?
Wily: No
Metal: Please
Wily: No.
Metal: Oh, come on! Let me help.
Wily: Fine. If you will leave me alone. Go get Darksage, Shadow, and Cyros.
Metal: WHEE! *runs off*
*Five minutes later*
Crash: Ok, so, two questions. A) What are we doing? B) Why do you need us?
Wily: If you put me down, and move the Crash Bomb out of my face, I will tell you.
Air: I don’t know if you should, this way of telling people things is WAY funnier.
Metal: Shadow, shut up!
Flash: Ok, Shadow and Naoshi, stop fighting. Darksage, put down Wily. Wily, tells us already!
Wily: Hmp, now, my warriors, lately, I have been trying to get a GPS picture of The Citadel. But, it seems to have some sort barrier around it.
Flash: The same one that keeps the bomber from teleporting in?
Wily: That is most likely. Since I am unable to get my read out, I need you to go to Russia, somehow get in the place, take pictures of every inch, and get out.
Metal: Shouldn’t we smash the stuff inside as well?
Wily: No, we don’t need Cossack to know we were there.
Metal: But-
Wily: No buts, now, take these *hands them cameras* and head to the hanger
Metal: But-
Air: Oh shut up *drags Naoshi to the hanger*
*In the hanger*
Wily: You will be taking this *hits button, and one of his saucers rises*
Crash: Uh, wily, I don’t think 4 of us will fit in that…
Wily: Only 3 of you will be taking that.
Metal: ?
Air: What are you saying? Does one of us (hopefully Naoshi) have to ride on the outside?
Wily: Yes, and no.
Flash: Who has to ride on the outside then?
Wily: Shadowstrike.
Metal Man: HA-ha! You have to riiiide on the oooouuutsiiiiide~! Ha ha ha- *is kicked* OW!
Air: Excuse me, *cracks knuckles* but, Wily, why do you hate the use of your limbs? Is it that bad being able to move?
Crash: How is supposed to ride on the outside. He can’t fly.
Wily: While you were sleeping, I installed one of Ben’s flight rings in your system. You didn’t know?
Air: You did WHAT!? *runs forward fist raised towards wily*
Bass: Stand down! *fires his buster at Shadowstrike, but misses and hits Naoshi in the back.*
Metal: YEOWCH *goes flying into a wall*
Crash, Flash: hehehehehehe.
*Naoshi gets back up, pulls out 2 metal blades, and runs towards Bass*
Bass: STOP STOP STOP *is thrown*
Metal: *sees Bass flying right at him* Mother…
Wily: *hitting a switch in his pocket, and the Warriors and Bass freeze* Ok, stop now. You know, I wonder what the range on this thing is? Oh well, I’ll worry about that later.
*Meanwhile, at the Ark*
Gauntlet: *sees the paper lying across the road* Damn paper boy, always giving our paper to the people across the street. *walks over to get it, but, upon turning around* The hell? STARNIK! *The ark is covered in pink paint, with a picture of Starnik mooning is prominent*
Starnik: HAHAHAHAHAH! Now for my get away! *tries to move, but can’t* what the hell? THE HELL! DAMNIT!
*At the base*
Wood: Ok, so we light the fuse, and we run. The bomb explodes, and the room gets painted, ok?
Bubble: You sure it will work?
Wood: Of course!
Bubble: Is that too much explosives?
Wood: There is such thing?
Bubble: Good point. *lights fuse*
Wood: Now we run *they both try, but can’t move*
Bubble: Well, son of a-
*In Heatman’s room*
Heat: *asleep*
*Back in the Hanger*
Wily: Ok, I’ll let you free, if you stop fighting, and just get in the saucer. And Shadow, just get ready to follow
Air: *grumble grumble*
Wily: *presses the switch* Hmm, I think it only worked on you 4, oh well.
Crash: Can I drive?
Flash: No, I’m flying.
Metal: But I want to!
Crash, Flash:
Crash: Ok, Cyros, you can fly. *they get in the saucer, and take off, with Shadow flying on its side*
*Over Russia*
Air: Why does he want these pictures anyway?
Metal: He said it was for surveillance…
Crash: The hell? Is Wily a stalker?
Flash: I don’t even want to consider that.
Air: I now know I’m going home and searching my room for cameras.
Metal, Crash, Flash: Same.
Air: Is that the citadel there? *points*
Crash: Yep.
Metal: How do we get them out of the base?
Flash: Hmm… we tell them that a giant monster is going to attack their base?
Metal: Give them money?
Crash: I got it. *draws up a map* this will keep them busy
*The saucer, and Shadowstrike land near the citadel*
Crash: Now, Naoshi, run this map up there, and hit the doorbell.
Metal: Ok. *runs off*
Air: Did he just-
Crash: Wait for it.
*Naoshi runs back, takes the map, and runs off again*
Air: Funny…. HAHAH
Crash: Heh.
*Naoshi runs to the door, places the map on the ground, and rings the doorbell.*
Ring: *opens door* Hello? *looks down* A map? Wait…. FREE PIZZA, COCA COLA AND CHOCOLATE?! GUYS WE’RE LEAVING
*minutes later, the Cossacks Comrade’s are leaving on their mode of transportation*
Flash: Wow…. it worked?
Crash: You thought it wouldn’t?
Air: Exactly.
Metal: *is back* Now what?
Air: Cyros, why don’t you freeze time in there?
Flash: Hmm… good idea *Uses Time Stopper on the base* Now, lets go take some pictures!
*20 minutes later*
Air: Is that everything Wily wanted?
Flash: Yep! Now let’s get out of here.
Crash: Agreed.
*Naoshi then walks into the room*
Metal: hehehehehehehe
Air: What is so funny?
Metal: I made Cossack bald!
Metal: Ok, let’s get out of here.
*Outside the Citadel*
*As the 4 warriors exit they are attacked by Bombs, Rings, Plasma, Missiles, Skulls, Acid rain, Trash, and are frozen*
Crash: The hell?!
Flash: I can’t move! You know, it is weird being on side of it.
Air: The CC must be back!
Metal: At least they don’t have metal blades! *Ring Boomerang hits him, and his arm falls off* DAMNIT!
Drill: What are you doing here?
Air: Um, we’re big fans? *is hit by a Pharaoh Shot* OW
Pharaoh: Try again.
Crash: Damnit! Wily sent us. We wouldn’t be doing this on our own.
Ring: Why are we supposed to believe that?
Flash: I have his plans in my pocket *Ring takes it out*
Drill: Hmm… I don’t know. Should we let him go?
Bright: Like I know.
*The CC huddle up*
Drill: Ok, you can go… but the map said free pizza…
Crash: I got this *hands them a credit card* Use that.
Drill: Ok… You can go.
*At the saucer*
Flash: Wow, you just gave them your credit card?
Crash: No. I gave them Wily’s.
Air: Serves him right.
Metal: Ok, so can I drive home?
Crash: Naoshi, we have a special seat for you.
Metal: YAY!
*10 minutes later*
Metal: THIS IS FUN! *on the outside of the saucer*
Air: It is going to be a long flight
*A couple of hours later*
Wily: I wonder if they are done yet?
*Saucer crashes through wall*
Wily: Is that them?
Metal: YAY WALL!
Wily: Yep. That is them
Air: *landing* Wily, Screw you, I’m going to sleep *flies off to his room*
Crash: I’m gone *leaves*
Flash: OH NO, POKEMON IS ON *runs off*
Metal: Anybody going to help me down? ...anybody?
*doorbell rings*
Wood: I GOT IT *runs to door*
Starnik: *other side of door, smashed up, wearing a dress, and make up* Darn that Gauntlet… I’ll get him yet!
Wood: Had a bad day?
Starnik: Today sucked…
Bubble: Same here.
Flash: SHUT UP *turns up TV*
The End