- Season 2 - Super Sized
by Ben
clucker bots patrol the Silicon
Forest behind Skull Castle, passing by who is resting on a patio chair
using Bubbleman as a foot rest while Metalman and Woodman are forced to
fan him.
Wily: Slower you dolts! I am very
sensitive to heat and cold!
and Wood: *Sigh* Yes Master Wily.
Bubbleman: How did I let Crashman talk me into taking
his place?
Wily: No talking slave monkey! *Kicks
Bubbleman: OW! Watch the high heels!
Woodman: High heels?
Wily: They're medicinal! *Realizes he's
out of lemonade*STARNIK!
Quickman: *Speeds in* Yes sir?
Wily: Refresh me you incompetent fool!
Quickman: You know with a little positive
reinforcement, maybe I would have incentive to improve my performance.
Wily: JUST DO IT FOOL! *Throws the
glass at Starnik*
*Dodges* I'll get you a new glass. *Mutters* You perverted old freak...
*coughs then speeds off towards the bar where Crashman is bartending*
Crashman: Another Lemonade with rum?
Quickman: Yes, 'the master' is not hammered enough to
be remotely pleasant yet. How are the hamburgers going Cyros?
*Cyros is flipping a couple hamburger patties on on Ben who's doubling
as a barbeque*
Heatman: *Lid closed* I am going to kill you for this
Flashman: Promises, promises... I got a nice... juicy
burger done here. *Places the patty on a bun*
*There is a rustling in the bushes*
Flashman: Did you hear that?
Quickman: Hear what?
Hamburglar: *Jumps out of the bushes*
Robble robble! *Steals the burger, then flees into the forest*
*Lid flips open sending the burgers flying all over the area* Damn
McDonaldland freaks! Prepare to die [censored]! *Pulls a HFG from
Hammerspace and runs into the forest in hot pursuit.*
Crashman: ...aren't we going to follow him.
Quickman: ...no. Best let Ben take his anger on
someone else for a change. Got that drink ready no-hands?
*Meanwhile Hamburglar is running terrified in the forest while Ben
chases him*
Hamburglar: *pant* ROBBLE *pant* ROBBLE!
Heatman: You feel lucky punk?!
Hamburglar: ROBBLE ROBBLE!
(Huge Freaking Gun)
scene has been censored because your puny human brain can not
comprehend the horrendous amounts of blood spilled in this scene*
Heatman: *Blows the smoke from the barrel of his HFG*
One of you freaks down...
??: Oh my goodness he killed Hamburglar!
*Heatman turns around to see himself surrounded by the inhabitants of
Ronald: You won't
get away with this! *Pulls a rail gun from his McHappy Meal*
Early Bird: *Pulls out a grenade launcher* Got him in my sights Ronald!
Heatman: Is that the best you can do freaks?!
Fry Kid: Get him!
*While Ben is creating carnage the world has never seen before, Starnik
rushes the lemonade and rum to the Doctor*
Quickman: Your lemonade sir.
Wily: *Snatches the glass* Where is my
hamburger you clod?
Quickman: The Hamburglar snatched it and our barbeque
chased after it. You sure you don't want to order out?
Wily: Vhat! You incompetent imbecles! I
*Starnik turns in disgust and whispers in Shadowstrike's ear*
Quickman: I think the heat got to the master's head,
why don't you cool him down?
Airman: Sure thing. *revs up his fanblade and blows
Wily away with the cyclone he wiped up.*
Wily: I VANT IT NOWWWWWWwwwwwwwww...
Bubbleman: *Gets up rubbing his back* Finally! Those
heels were killing my back.
Woodman: If I had to hear that old man's rantings for
one more minute.
Metalman: I'd decapitate the old crone.
Quickman: Nice thought, but remember that he's set our
heads to explode if we try to assassinate him.
Airman: What a rip. I miss the days when we had to
fight Rock. Getting killed beats being his servant.
*Suddenly the severed head of Ronald McDonald lands at their feet*
Warriors: 0_0
Woodman: Holy ****!
a rustling in the underbrush Ben emerges from the forest, drenched in
blood (that is thick as ketchup) and dragging the carcass of the Early
Heatman: I got dinner! Damn freaks were annoying and
bled ketchup too.
Airman: They bled ketchup...?
Woodman: Did you kill everyone in McDonaldland?
Heatman: Lesse, I killed Ronald, the Early Bird, Chief
Big Mac, Mayor MeCheese, the Fry Kids?
Quickman: Did you kill Grimace?
Heatman: That pansy ran away as I was tearing the Fry
Kids apart. Why do you ask Speed Freak?
Oh I just heard nothing can hurt the Grimace, anyhoo... I think this
barbeque is over. Better pack up and pray he doesn't disassemble us for
*A week later at the abandoned geothermal power plant, that used to be
Heatman's lair during the second uprising*
Mr. X: *In an airtight anti-contamination suit* So
where did you find it?
Lab Tech 1: It was found on the outskirts of the Silicon Forest,
rambling something about his friends being killed by a lighter.
Mr. X: Ah, the ever so homocidal Heatman. Did you
administer the serum yet?
Lab Tech 1: Not yet, most of the scientists and technicians are
questioning the morality of...
X: I pay them to follow my orders, not their consciences! I didn't send
a team to Tokyo to recover Godzilla's cell samples*, only to have those
months of research wasted. You will administer the serum now.
(*After the events of "Oh No, There Goes Tokyo")
*The two walk out the door to the old parking lot, where Grimace
restrained by two other technicians*
Grimace: Lighter killed my friends...
tore the Fry Kids up with his hands...
X: I've heard rumors that this creature was indestructable. I wonder
how that ability will multiplied when Godzilla's genetic structure
merges with his. Inject the serum.
Lab Tech 2: Yes sir. *Grabs the injecter and injects Grimace with the
Ow! What did you do that for?! *Stomach starts gurgling* I don't feel
so good... *Starts inflating to gastronomical proportions*
Lab Tech 1: Good lord, he never thought it would work this fast he's...
Watch out!
*Suddenly Grimace's skin ruptures and a gooey, darker purple,
semi-solid substance bursts out comsuming Lab Tech 2*
Lab Tech 3: Run! *Gets consumed by Grimace's new second skin as Mr. X
and Lab Tech #1 flee from it*
pairs of arms erupt from the mass as it rises into a scaly, 500-foot
tall cone shape. Two blood-red eyes form and glare across the city
towards Skull Castle in the distance.*
Grimace: *Roars like
Godzilla* Destroy... zippppp-ohhhhhh. *Stomps towards Skull Castle in
the distance causing the ground to shake with every step*
Mr. X: *Watches Grimace stagger off towards
Megalopolis* Yes... YES! Go get the vengence I seek!
Lab Tech 1: But Skull Castle's on the other side of Megalopolis! He'll
destroy the entire city!
Mr. X: None of that matters, Dr. Wily took usupred my
identity and ruined my reputation! He shall PAY!
*Meanwhile at B.A.'s Dairy at the outskirts on Megalopolis*
Worker 1: Hey Bill!
Worker 2: Hey Ted!
Ted: How are things going with the wife?
Bill: Excellent, ever since I've started taking via...
Ted: Dude! What's the...?
Grimace: RARRRRR! *His shadow blankets
itself over the entire dair*
Ted: What is that thing?
Bill: It's a giant... four-armed... Grimace!
Grimace: RARRRRR! *Seemingly reaches
for Bill and Ted*
Bill and Ted: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *Run away while Grimace
picks up one of the milk trucks they were next to*
Grimace: RARRRRR?
*The behemoth rips off the top of the tank, then chugs the milk down*
Grimace: BELCH! *Tosses the trailer and
reaches for another*
*As for where that trailer was thrown... meanwhile near one of
Megalopolis' poshist shops*
Paris Hilton: Aren't these high heel so... me Clay?
Clay Aiken: They're fabbbulous Paris, I
think I will buy a pair myself.
Paris: ...but you're a guy.
Clay: ... ... ... Yes, nevermind.
*Tinkerbell starts yapping*
Paris: What is it Tinkerbell? Did mean Mr. Aiken scare
you my cutie-patootie...?
Clay: I am right here you know. *Hears
the whistling of the incoming trailer and looks up* Oh my...
*Paris looks up and the two scream before geting crushed to bone bust
from the projectile's girth*
in one of Skull Castle's North Tower in Heatman's workshop, the
psychotic zippo shows off his latest invention, a temporal displacer,
constructed out of an laptop.*
Quickman: So let me get this stright you've built a
time machine... out of an old G4?
Heatman: It's "Temporal Displacer" microbrain and yes
I did. The titanium casing shields the flux dispersal and...
Flashman: *Pushes Starnik out of the way and opens
Safari* Blah, blah, blah! Can it download hentai?
Heatman: Grrrr... yes, when it hits 88 gigabytes per
second you'll see some serious sh...
Wily: *On the intercom* Attention all
robot masters and wily bots report to the control room, NOW!
Flashman: Awww, but I wanted to see some hot Pokemon
*Ben and Starnik pry Cyros from the laptop/time machine*
Quickman: You heard the boss man! LET'S GO!
so Ben and Starnik dragging a screaming Cyros through the corridors of
Skull Castle and because of that, the three are the last to make it
into the control room.*
Wily: Vee vaited half an hour, vhat
kept you fools?
Heatman: Don't... ask... old man.
Flashman: *Sniff* I want my hentai...
Metalman: What's so important that I had to be dragged
out of kicking 'Strike's butt at SSBB?
Airman: You wish I was kicking your...
Silence! I have an urgent mission for you dolts. *Presses a button on
his console when shows the footage of Grimace's rampage through
Woodman: Oh lordy...
Bubbleman: A giant four-armed Grimace?
Quickman: Okay I'll bite, what happened to the poor
Interesting you should ask Star-nick, with rampage started at the old
Geothermal Power Plant which is now a genetics lab own by X Enterprises.
Crashman: Mr. X? I thought he was only an alias you
used during that tournament.
Vell, if you must know. Mr. X vas a total recluse who had never made a
public appearence in vell over twenty years so with some creative
hacking and a brilliant disguise...
Quickman: Brilliant?! Ha! You only used a cape and a
fake beard.
Heatman: It's a miracle Rock didn't put two and two
together you old fraud!
*Vein pops on his forehead* SILENCE! Anyvay, Mr. X has sworn revenge on
me and grafted Godzilla cell samples (retrieved after that Tokyo
mission you managed to blunder) to Grimace's to transform him into a
monster and destroy me.
Airman: Hm, that's scary and all but I thought Grimace
was a harmless idiot...
Woodman: ...and why would he go after you?
Wily: Oh he's not coming after me,
isn't he... Heatman?
Heatman: What?
Quickman: Don't you remember who you killed last week?!
I killed a lot of people last week. Like Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz,
John Travolta, Michael Moore, the Houston Astros... oh crap... the
people of McDonaldland.
Wily: Indeed, and now you and the
Varriors vill have clean up your mess.
Quickman: If you don't remember... "Doc". NOTHING
Wily: If you succeed, I vill give you
every Law & Order DVD set in existence.
Crashman: Yeah, but... what's in it for us? *Gets
smacked upside the head by Starnik* OW!
Quickman: Lets... GO!
*And so, Grimace rampages through half of Megalopolis leaving a massive
trail of demolished building behind him*
Grimace: Rrrrrrrr! Crush... Zippo!
*Smashes a skyscraper with his two right limbs*
*The Warriors teleport in*
Airman: How are we supposed to get it's attention?
Quickman: Best way we know how, Ben! 'Sage! Fire your
weapons at it!
Crashman: Have you ever seen a Godzilla movie?
Heatman: He won't feel a (censored) thing!
Quickman: ...and you two have any better ideas?
Heatman: Well I do have one... *steps towards forward*
Hey you big, purple tub of lard!
*Grimace ignores Ben*
Heatman: Yeah you Tubby! I'm the guy that killed you
McDonaldland friends!
Grimace: Rarrr?
Heatman: There's one other thing! I (censored) your
Warriors: 0_0
Flashman: Good lord Ben! Are you really trying to piss
him off?
Metalman: I think that was the idea...
Grimace: *Glares at Ben* RARRRRRRRRR!
Quickman: Everybody run!
*So the Warriors start running running from Grimace who's gaining on
Bubbleman: *Waddling awkardly while trying to run*
*Starnik runs back to grab Cinder and accelerates as Grimace's massive
foot comes crashing down*
Quickman: *Catches up to Ben with Cinder in tow* Well
you got his attention Ben! What's your plan genius?
Heatman: Plan? PLAN? You said to only get his
Quickman: You're planning the death of every single of
us! Don't tell me you don't have one!
Bubbleman: He is...? o_o
Heatman: We can't stop a 500-foot monster but... we
can send it elsewhere like the Phantom Zone!
Flashman: Or back in time!
and Heatman: ...
Heatman: That'll work, I'll get my Temporal Displacer
if you can keep him busy.
Crashman: Yeah, give us the all the dirty work why
don't ya?
*Ben teleports back Skull Castle while the rest try to keep Grimace
*Iga and Naoshi try to cut him with their weapon but they seem to be
bouncing off his skin*
Woodman: It's no good! He's...
Grimace: Rarrrrrr! *Stomps his foot
near the two*
*The shockwave knocks the two backwards*
Metalman: *Hits a lamp post* Oof!
Quickman: Maybe if I try a Quick Boomerang "Special"
at close range maybe I that'll pirece his hide...
then eyes a chunk of skyway at points up towards Grimace like a ramp.
Running towards it at Mach 1, he capaults himself into the air and
fires a spread of Boomerangs fired at greater speed than before.*
boomerangs manage cut into Grimace's gut but the his layers of fact
absorb the attack and ricochet the boomerangs at greater speed*
Flashman: *Sees one coming in at Mach 2* Oh
nnnnnnnn... *Gets it lodged into his cerebral circuits*
Quickman: *lands* ...Oops... sorry Cyros... you
Flashman: 1'M 4 L1TTL3 T34P0T $H0RT 4ND...
My bad... His layers of fat make him immune to conventional attack...
*looks up* ...Wait! Hey 'Sage! Can your bombs reach his eye lids?
Crashman: Probably but I don't see...
Quickman: Just do it!
Crashman: Alright! Alright! *Aims his arms towards
Grimace's eyes* Fire in the hole... *Fires them*
*The Crash Bombs bare reach their target and attach themselves to back
of Grimace's eyelids.*
Grimace: RARRRRRRRRR! *Staggers around
Heatman: *Teleports back in with his 'iTimeMachine'*
Bubbleman: Took you you long enough.
Airman: You should've seen 'Sage blind Grimace! It was
Quickman: It was my idea!
Grimace: RARRRRRRRRR! *Stomps blindly
onto a cluster of buildings*
Metalman: Oh my god! Giant Grimmace crushed the youth
Airman: The children! Why isn't anyone thinking of the
Heatman: Screw the children! He just stomped on the
liquor store!
Iceman: Screw the children and the beer! He stepped on
my favorite ice cream shop!
*The warriors all glare at Iceman*
Iceman: Sorry, wrong team? *nervous chuckle*
Quickman: *Pushes Gary out of the scene* Go back to
your own series *punt*
Iceman: *in the background* I didn't do ittttt!! *blip*
Heatman: ...whatever. *Flips open the Temporal
Displacer: Select time era then press 'Ok'.
Heatman: Got any bright ideas 'when' to send him?
Woodman: The Wild West?
Airman: The Mesazoic?
Heatman: Good ideas, except we don't want to cause a
paradox you morons!
Flashman: b4CK 2 TeH FU^ur!
Warriors: ...
Bubbleman: Is it me or as he gotten smarter with that
boomerang in the head?
Quickman: Sounds good to me, let future generations
handle it...
Heatman: Sounds like a plan... *Types in the temporal
coordinates* ...Now if he'd only stay still for a second.
*Giant Grimmace continues to blindly stomp on everything*
Quickman: ...and how are we supposed to do that?!
*Suddenly the A-Team theme song plays*
*The warriors turn around to a familiar van drive towards them in the
Warriors: Mr. T?!
Mr. T: Murdock! Turn off that music you crazy foo'.
Murdock: Aw, you're no fun isn't he Mr.
Eleven. *Talking to an old Slurpee cup*
Mr. T: First that fool drinks all the milk and now he
destroys the youth center! That sucka's gonna pay!
van comes to a screeching halt next to the Warriors, as he exits the
vehicle his gold chains glimmer in the mid-afternoon sun causing most
of the Warriors to swoon*
Heatman: He's just one of those filthy
mammals, what makes this mohawked freak any different...? *Gets a
superfast backhand upside the head* OW!
Quickman: Don't speak ill of Mr. T!
Metalman: Yeah! He's hella tough!
Mr. T: Stay back kids! *Leaps into the air like
Superman* Take this ya purple foo'! *Punches Grimace between the eyes*
Grimace: *Wobbles around dazed*
Heatman: What the f...?
Quickman: *Slaps Ben again* Watch your mouth!
T lands at Grimace's foot and grabs it. In spite of the physical
impossibility, the gold-chained wonder lifts Grimace over his head and
tosses the Purple Giant aside.*
Grimace: RARRRRR? *Lands on his back
and due to his unfortunate body shape, Grimace finds himself unable to
get back up.*
Un-Freakin'-believable! Giant Grimace had to weigh about a half-million
tons! How can one human lift a weight like that?!
Airman: Easy, he's Mr. T!
Crashman: ...and Mr. T can throw hella far!
You're morons! ALL OF YOU! *Grumbles as he clicks 'OK' on the temporal
displacer and points it in Grimace's direction* Now get back!
TD: Now downloading at ten gigabytes per second... fifteen... twenty...
Warriors huddle behind the screen, as the download time reaches 88 Gb/s
the screen starts glowing with eerie temporal energies*
TD: Eighty-Five, Eighty-Six, Eighty-Seven...
*In a blinding flash, both the Temporal Displacer and Grimace
Quickman: Good riddance... so where did you send him
Heatman: One hundred years into the future, give or
take a decade.
Mr. T: Well that's not important. What is important
that you kids stay in school and drink your milk.
Warriors: Yes sir Mr. T!
Heatman: *Growls* Idiots.
*Meanwhile in the Amazon Rainforest, one hundred-seventeen years
hence...During the Fourth Reploid Rebellion*
Zero: We can do this the easy way Spider, or we can do
it the hard way. Doesn't matter to me. *Withdraws Z-Saber*
Web Spider: You know as well as I do
that I won't surrender the remenant of my unit or this weapon to you.
Zero: Very well friend, we shall finish this the
21st-century way.
the two combatants can engage each other, a loud crash overpowers their
auditory sensors and a brilliant flash stop them in their tracks*
Grimace: RARRRRRRRR! *Crushes the
weapon under his foot, before lurching off into the jungle*
Zero: ...
Web Spider: ...Okay. I surrender.
*20XX - Silicon Forest, a few days after Grimace's rampage, everything
returns to normal for our favorite robot masters*
Wily: Where's my lemonade and MY PILLOW
Woodman: Why are you making Naoshi and me fan you?
Metalman: Especially now that you are using 'Strike as
a fan.
Crashman: *Being used as a footstool this time* ...and
why are you wearing fishnet stockings?
*Quickman zips in and replaces the empty glass in Wily hand with a full
one and fluffs his pillow at superspeed*
Quickman: *Bitter* Anything else oh grand and
brilliant creator?
Wily: See if the burgers are ready.
Quickman: You give everyone a headache. *Zips off
again towards Cyros who is using Ben as a grill again*
Flashman: *Wearing a bandage over his head injury* The
burgers will be ready in a minute.
Quickman: I don't think Dr. Frank N. Furter can wait
that long.
Heatman: *muffled echo* Too damn bad, I am not going
to raise my external temperature for the old bag.
Quickman: *Ignores Ben* So how's the ol' noggin Cyros?
Flashman: Feel like my I.Q. shot up eighty points.
Quickman: That's funny, I recall Cinder saying that
having that boomerang lodged in your brain made you smarter.
Flashman: *Death glare at Cinder* Izzat so?
Bubbleman: *Sweating coolant* Ah heh...?
*Then there's a rusting in the bushes*
Quickman: Oh great, I thought you wiped out the
McDonaldland Kingdom Ben.
Heatman: I did. I leave no survivors.
*The Burger King emerges from the brush and stares blankly at the
Burger King: ...
Warriors: ...
Burger King: ... *Eyes glow as he
cackles in a low, gravelly voice* HA! HA! HA! Where is your god now?
Heatman: *Flips his lid open again and pulls out a
shotgun from Hammerspace* A zippo's work is never done...